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HTET Psychology Special Series-A (Chapter 1 and 2)

  What is Psychology? (Chapter 1) Psychology is derived from 2 Greek words Psyche (soul) and logos (science/study). Psychology is defined formally as a science which studies mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts. Internal experiences refer to states of consciousness or awareness or mental processes. Experiences are influenced by internal and external conditions of the experiences. Behaviours are responses or reactions that are activities we engage in. Behaviour may be simple or complex, short or enduring, overt, sensed by observer, internal or covered. Psychology as a Discipline Psychology studies behaviour, experience and mental processes. In Indian tradition, self-reflection and analysis of our conscious experiences, is major source of psychological understanding.                 Western psychologists begun to emphasis the role of self-reflection and self-knowledge in understanding human behaviour and experience.    First laboratory of psychology in 1879 i

Posture and Postural Deformities (Unit 5, XII)

  Posture  A relative arrangement of body parts or segments or as accustomed position, which enables the body tofunction effectively. It is defined as position or outlook assumed by the body while standing, sitting, lying down or performing muscular activity or during stability. Good posture  is such in which trained the body to stand, walk, sit or lie so to face least strain on muscles and ligaments while moving or performing weight-bearing activities. Good posture make muscular and skeletal balance that protects the body from injuries whether running, jumping, diving, tumbling, tackling, even while sitting or sleeping etc. Two types of posture- Dynamic and Static Dynamic Posture-  How to hold yourself while moving (walking, running, for picking up). It forms the basis for movement. Muscles needs to adjust to the changing situations. Static Posture-  How to hold yourself during static position (standing, sitting, sleeping). Parts of body aligned in fixed state. With proper muscles co-

Tournament, Types of tournament and importance of tournament

  Planning in Sports (Tournament, its importance and types) Tournament – It is a contest between various teams where they play according to a fixed schedule and winner is decided. In other words, it is a healthy competition among humans to find a winner. It provides appropriate platform to display talent as well as skill. It also provided inspiration and encouragement   to the participants and audience. Types of Tournament Importance/Significance of Tournament 1.      Publicizing the sports. 2.      A source of enjoyment. 3.      Improvement of Social qualities. 4.      Helpful in talent identification. 5.       Develops unity and promote integrity. 6.      Provide business opportunities. 7.      Development of desired skill level.

Planning in Sports (Meaning, objectives, committees & responsibilities)

(Meaning, Objectives of Planning, various Committees and Responsibilities) Plan – A blue print or preparation. A goal to be accomplished. Planning – According to Kennith H. Killen “A process of deciding in advance what is to be done and when is to be done, who is to do it, how is to be done and where is to be done”. Objectives of Planning 1.      Reduce the chances of mistakes. 2.      Increase work efficiency. 3.      Shows direction to follow. 4.        Help in better performance. 5.        Proper use of existing facilities. 6.        Better results and facilitate safety. Committees and responsibilities 1.       Prior the Competition – It includes various committees like Publicity, Purchage, Officials, Accomodation, Refreshment, Entertainment, Documentation, Medical and Transportation etc. 2.       During the Competition – It includes various committees like Technical, Official, Awards and functions etc.   3.      Post or After the Competition – It includes

Training in Sports (Unit-10) (12th Physical Education)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. Sports training is   -----------------------   process. (A) Temporary training            (B) Systematic & Planned        (C) Learned                               (D) Instrumental Q2. Which one is not the characteristics of Sports training ? (A) Specific to particular             (B) Regular and continuous process (C) Both A and B                        (D) None Q3. Strength is the ability to overcome ----------------. (A) Flexibility                             (B) Speed (C) Resistance                          (D) Time Q4. Another name of Static strength is -----------------. (A) Isotonic strength                (B) Isometric strength (C) Elastic strength                   (D) None Q5. Isotonic strength is also known as ------------------. (A) Dynamic strength              (B) Isometric strength (C) Elastic strength                   (D) None Q6. Elastic strength is the another name of ---------. (A) Dynamic strengt

Psychology & Sports (Unit-9) (12th Physical Education)

  Multiple Choice Questions Q1. The word Psychology is derived from (A) Greek word                          (B) Latin word (C) English word                         (D) Sanskrit word Q2. Psychology word is derived from two Greek words ‘Psyche’and ‘Logos’, which stands for (A) Mind and study                     (B) Soul and science/study (C) Science and brain                  (D) Heart and study/science Q3. “Psychology is the science of mental process” defined by (A) Aristotle                                 (B) Pavlov (C) William James                   (D) Skinner Q4. Father of Sports Psychology is (A) William James                     (B) William Whundt (C) Raymond Cattell                  (D) Coleman R. Griffith Q5. The word ‘Personality’ is derived from (A) Latin word                          (B) Greek word (C) English word                        (D) Hindi word Q6. Personality word derived from Latin word ‘Persona’ which means (A) Face