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HTET Psychology Special Series-A (Chapter 1 and 2)

 What is Psychology? (Chapter 1)

Psychology is derived from 2 Greek words Psyche (soul) and logos (science/study).

Psychology is defined formally as a science which studies mental processes, experiences and behaviour in different contexts. Internal experiences refer to states of consciousness or awareness or mental processes. Experiences are influenced by internal and external conditions of the experiences.

Behaviours are responses or reactions that are activities we engage in. Behaviour may be simple or complex, short or enduring, overt, sensed by observer, internal or covered.

Psychology as a Discipline

Psychology studies behaviour, experience and mental processes. In Indian tradition, self-reflection and analysis of our conscious experiences, is major source of psychological understanding.               

Western psychologists begun to emphasis the role of self-reflection and self-knowledge in understanding human behaviour and experience.  

First laboratory of psychology in 1879 in Leipzig (Germany) by Wilhelm Wundt (structuralism).

Two disciplines borrow from psychology are Neuroscience and Computer science. It is also used in IT areas (human computer interaction & artificial intelligence). So, two parallel streams are –

i) Use of method in physical & biological sciences and

ii) Method of social and cultural sciences in studying psychological & social phenomena.

Psychology as a natural science

Psychology has its roots in philosophy. Psychology was influenced by Descartes and later on by development in physics has grown by following is known as hypothetico-deductive model. Psychologists influenced by evolutionary approach (Biological science).

Psychology as a social science

As it studies human behaviour in socio-cultural contexts. Psy. as a science of mind, here comes the role of neuro-scientists Sperry and physicists Penrose. Concept of mind & brain example, Phantom arm.

                “Out of sight, Out of mind”. Distance makes the heart grow fonder”.

Scientific knowledge generated by psychology often runs against common sense (Dweck, 1975).

Psychological studies, if you have practiced well, you may actually perform better, because other’s presence help your performance.

American psychologist William James was (lab in Cambridge), Massachussets, functionalist.

John Dewey (functionalism) argued human seek to function effectively by adapting environment.

20th century, Gestalt (Germany) focused on perceptual experiences. Experience is wholistic, it is gestalt.

1900, Fried (Psychoanalysis) came into existence. In 1910, structuralism came in form of behaviourism (John Watson) influenced by Ivan Pavlav. John Watson defined psychology as behaviour or responses to stimuli which can be measured or studied objectively.  Carl Roger & Abrahm Maslow (Humanist).

1928, N.N. Sengupta and Radhakamal Mukherji publish first text book on social psychology (London: Allen & Unwin).

1949, Psychological research wing of defense science organisation in India.

1954, Psychology Bureau at Allahabad and NIMHANS (1955).

1989, NAOP (National Academy of psy.) India founded.

1997, NBRC (National Brain Research Center), Gurgaon, Har.

Gestalt approach and structuralism combined to develop cognitive perspective. Cognition – process of knowing. Mind as computer & view is called Constructivism.

Vygotsky, mind develops through social interaction between adults & children.

Piaget – children actively construct their own minds.

Development of Psychology in India

1915, first Psychology lab. 1916, department of Psychology in Calcutta University.

1938, department of Applied Psychology.

Dr. N.N. Sengupta trained in USA in experimental tradition of Wundt.

G. Bose trained in Freidian Psychoanalysis. 1922, Pro. Bose, Indian Psychoanalytical Association.

Department of Patna & Mysore. 2 Centres were supported by UGC, Utkal university, Bhubaneswar and university at Allahabad.

Durganand Sinha (Book – Psychology in a Third World Country), Indian experience published in 1986.

Methods of Enquiry in Psychology (Chapter 2)

Quasi (latin word meaning “As if”) experimentation – independent variable is selected rather manipulated by researchers. Coefficient correlation value ranges from + 1.0 through 0.0 to -1.0

Questionnaire is most common, simple, versatile and low-cost self report method of collecting information. Question in a test called items, with their probable responses.

Case studies provide detailed in-depth depictions of people’s lives.

Limitations of Psychological Enquiry

1. Lack of true zero point.

2. Relative nature of psychological tools.

3. Subjective interpretation of qualitative data.


Q. Which technique is generally used by parents and teachers to inculcate habits in children to make human beings?

(a) Informing                     (b) Conditioning

(c) Training                          (d) Storming

Q. Select the correct from the given option, in sequence which psychology came to be defined from time to time as a study of

(a) Consciousness → Behaviour→ Mind → Soul

(b) Mind → Behaviour→ Consciousness → Soul

(c) Soul → Mind → Consciousness → Behaviour

(a) Behaviour → Mind → Soul → Consciousness








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