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Showing posts with the label Biomechanics & Sports (Unit-8) (12th Physical Education)

Biomechanics & Sports (Unit-8) (12th Physical Education)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. The application of mechanical laws to living structure especially, locomotors system of the human body is called as --------------. (A) Biomechanics                                       (B) Physics (C) Biology                                                    (D) Exercise Physiology Q2. Choose the appropriate angle of throw to travel optimal distance in athletics. (A) 30 0                                                                   (B) 45 0 (C) 55 0                                                          (D) 60 0 Q3. Match the following (i) Flexion         (a) Bending of a specific joints/pulled closer/reduction of angle of joints (ii) Extension    (b) The joint angle formed by bones is increased/opposite of flexion (iii) Abduction             (c) Movement of limb away from the midline (iv) Adduction             (d) Movement of limb towards midline (A) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b                          (B) (i) b,   (ii) c, (iii)