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Posture and Postural Deformities (Unit 5, XII)


A relative arrangement of body parts or segments or as accustomed position, which enables the body tofunction effectively. It is defined as position or outlook assumed by the body while standing, sitting, lying down or performing muscular activity or during stability.

Good posture is such in which trained the body to stand, walk, sit or lie so to face least strain on muscles and ligaments while moving or performing weight-bearing activities. Good posture make muscular and skeletal balance that protects the body from injuries whether running, jumping, diving, tumbling, tackling, even while sitting or sleeping etc.

Two types of posture- Dynamic and Static

Dynamic Posture- How to hold yourself while moving (walking, running, for picking up). It forms the basis for movement. Muscles

needs to adjust to the changing situations.

Static Posture- How to hold yourself during static position (standing, sitting, sleeping). Parts of body aligned in fixed state. With proper muscles co-ordination and interaction this can be achieved by counteract the gravity and other forces. Spine has three natural curves- at neck, upper or mid back and lower back. These curves are maintained by correct body posture.

Correct or ideal posture (Standing)-

The line of gravity pass through specific body points such as lobe of ear, shoulder joint, hip joint, greater trochanter of femur, slightly anterior to midline of the knee joint and finally anterior to lateral malleolus. All this can be observed by a plumb line to judge the midline of the body. The vertical line passing through the body’s center of gravity meansbody bisects into two equal halves, body weight distributed evenly between both feet as well.

Points to be assess- head alignment, curvature (cervical thoracic & lumbar), shoulder symmetry, pelvic symmetry, hip, knee and ankle joints.

Correct or ideal posture (Sitting)-

Ears should be aligned with shoulders, shoulders should be relaxed and aligned with hips. Elbows are close to the sides of body. Angle of elbows, hips & knees will be appr. 90 degrees, feet should rest comfortably on surface, forearms should be parallel to the floor.

Postural Deformities-

1. Knock Knees, 2. Bow Legs, 3. Flat Foot, 4. Kyphosis, 5. Lordosis and

6. Scoliosis

1. Knock Knees (Genu Valgum)-

The term originates from the Latin genu means ‘Knee’ and valgus  means ‘bent outwards’. The distal portion of knee joint bends outwards and proximal bends inwards. It is the condition in which knees are closer

each other and feet remain apart in standing position. The natural gap between knees and togetherness of heels seems missing.

Causes- Genetic, nutritional, traumatic, infection, idiopathic or physiologic etc.

2. Bow Legs (Genu Varum)-

Latin genu means ‘Knee’ and varum means ‘outwards’ bowing at knee. Lower leg is angled inward (medially) as compare to thigh, similar

to the archer’s bow. It is also known as bow- leggedness, bandiness, bandy-leg, tibia- vara. Medial angulation of both lower limb bones (femur & tibia).

Causes- Nutritional, faulty posture, obesity, infection, prolonged illness etc.

3. Flat Foot- also known as pes planus/ fallen arches in which arches of the foot collapse, sole of the foot near-complete in contact with ground. Children are born with flat-feet (congenital).

Causes- Obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, injury to foot or ankle, aging, diabetes etc.

4. Kyphosis- Greek kyphos- hump. It is an abnormally excessive convex curvature of the spine (thoracic & sacral regions).

 Causes- Fracture, osteoporosis, disk-degeneration, scheuermann’s disease.

5. Lordosis- Greek lordosis from ‘lordos’ means bent backward. Abnormal inward concave lordotic curving of spine (cervical & lumbar)

is Lordosis. Lumbar hyperlordosis is excessive extension of the lumbar region generally known as hollow back, sway back or saddle back. Lumbar kyphosis is abnormally straight (flexed if severe case) lumbar area.

Causes- sprain or strain in back or neck, one leg shorter, genu recurvatum (sway back knees), uneven muscles, growth spurt, improper lifts, overuse of back.

6. Scoliosis- In such condition person’s spine (thoracic & lumbar) has sideways curve usually ‘S’ or ‘C’ shaped over three dimensions.

It is classified as structural (curve is fixed) or functional (primary spine is normal).

Causes- In most of the cases cause is unknown, but it may be the combination of both genetic and environmental factors. Other causes may be previous injury, surgery, uneven shoulders, one leg longer than other, nature of work etc.


Podiatrist is a medical professional devoted to the treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg.

Corrective Measures/Physical Exercises

1.Knock Knees- Walk with outer boarder of foot, side lunges, butterfly flutters, sumo squats, holding pillow between the knees, massage etc.

2. Bow Legs- Walk with inner boarder of foot, squats & lunges, massage, vajrasana etc.

3. Flat Foot- Heel raise, walking on toes,  toes stretch & relax, pulling

something by toes, asana in which toes are presses.

4. Kyphosis- Push-ups, press the wall corner, squeeze shoulder blades back side, arch holding, asana (dhanurasana, ustrasana etc.)

5. Lordosis- Hip extension, hamstring curls, asana (halasana, padahastasana, pawanmuktasana etc.)

6. Scoliosis- arm/leg raise, side stretch, split stance with arm stretch, asana (setubandh, salabhasana etc.)


Q1. Abnormal curve of the spine at front is known as

(a) Kyphosis                          (b) Lordosis

(c) Scoliosis                           (d) Round shoulders

Q2. Which of the following deformities is also known as curve S

(a) Kyphosis                          (b) Lordosis

(c) Scoliosis                           (d) Round shoulders

Q3. Which postural deformity is not related to spine.

(a) Kyphosis                          (b) Lordosis

(c) Scoliosis                           (d) Flat foot














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