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Psychology & Sports (Unit-9) (12th Physical Education)

 Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. The word Psychology is derived from
(A) Greek word                        (B) Latin word
(C) English word                       (D) Sanskrit word
Q2. Psychology word is derived from two Greek words ‘Psyche’and ‘Logos’, which stands for
(A) Mind and study                   (B) Soul and science/study
(C) Science and brain                (D) Heart and study/science
Q3. “Psychology is the science of mental process” defined by
(A) Aristotle                              (B) Pavlov
(C) William James                  (D) Skinner
Q4. Father of Sports Psychology is
(A) William James                   (B) William Whundt
(C) Raymond Cattell                (D) Coleman R. Griffith
Q5. The word ‘Personality’ is derived from
(A) Latin word                        (B) Greek word
(C) English word                      (D) Hindi word
Q6. Personality word derived from Latin word ‘Persona’ which means
(A) Face                                    (B) Mask
(C) Body                                   (D) Figure
Q7. The famous definition “Personality is the dynamic organisation of those psycho physical systems that determine an individual’s adjustment to his environment” is given by
(A) Eyesenck                              (B) Mc Dougall
(C) Allport                                 (D) Sheldon

Q8. Match the following

(i) Temperament                      (a) Stable, persistent and specific way of behaving

(ii) Trait                                   (b) Biologically based characteristic way of reacting

(iii) Disposition                       (c) Overall pattern of regularly occurring behaviour

(iv) Character                          (d) Person’s tendency to react to a given situation in particular way

(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d      (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a

(C) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b      (D) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c

Q9. Dimensions of personality are

(A) Physical and Mental             (B) Social and Emotional

(C) Both A and B                      (D) None

Q10. According to W.H. Sheldon which body type is incorrect?

(A) Endomorphic                      (B) Mesomorphic

(C) Pericardium                      (D) Ectomorphic

Q11. Sheldon and his associates gave three body types on the bases of

(A) Bone, fat and muscles      (B) Only muscles

(C) Only fat                               (D) None of the above

Q12. Sheldon gave body classification in 1940s. He rated each component on a

(A) 5 point scale                      (B) 7 point scale

(C) 3 point scale                      (D) None of the above

Q13. Sheldon classified each component (bone, fat & muscles) on 7 point scale and categories endomorphic as
(A) 1-7-1                                 (B) 1-1-1
(C) 7-1-1                                  (D) 1-1-7
Q14. Match the following
(i) Endomorphic             (a) Soft, fat, round and massive necked
(ii) Mesomorphic            (b) Muscular, rectangular, cubical and strong body build
(iii) Ectomorphic            (c) Tall, fragile, delicate, thin and long-limbed
(iv) Neuroticism             (d) Sadness, moodiness and emotional instability
(A) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b      (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c      (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d
Q15. ‘Bean pole’ and cerebrotonic personality is also known as
(A) Ectomorphic                     (B) Endomorphic
(C) Mesomorphic                     (D) None of the above
Q16. Carl Jung classified individual on the basis of psychological traits in 1920s are
(A) Introvert                             (B) Both A and C
(C) Extrovert                            (D) None of the above
Q17. Later he identified the third concept which was named after 1940s by psychologists as
(A) Neuroticism                       (B) Agreableness
(C) Ambivert                          (D) Endomorphic

Q18. Introvert word is derived from which language

(A) Greek                                 (B) English

(C) French                                (D) Latin

Q19. Introvert word is derived from Latin where ‘Intro’ and ‘Vertere’ stand for

(A) Inward and Turning       (B) Inside and Action

(C) Intern and Movement        (D) In and Continuous

Q20. Match the following

(i) Introvert                 (a) Stay indoors, socially deprived & prefer solitary

(ii) Extrovert               (b) Out going, abundantly sociable, urge to talk & make contacts

(iii) Ambivert              (c) Understand emotions, good communication ability & adjusting

(iv) Patriot                   (d) Love for the country

(A) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b      (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c      (D) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a

Q21. In the year 1990, Big five theory of personality is popularized by

(A) Mc Dougall                                              (B) Eyesenck

(C) Paul Costa and Robert McCrae            (D) None of the above

Q22. OCEAN according to the big five factors theory of personality includes

(A) Extraversion and Agreeableness    (B) Openness to experience & Neuroticism 
(C) Conscientiousness                          (D) All of the above

Q23. Match the following
(i) Habit                (a) Goals/ideals that are important & worthwhile to achieve
(ii) Values             (b) Over learned modes of behaving
(iii) Sympathy      (c) Feeling & experiencing emotions of others
(iv) Empathy        (d) Caring and understanding for the suffering of others
(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d                (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b                (D) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c
Q24. The word Motivation is derived from ‘Latin’ word ‘Movere’ which means
(A) Do or die                                      (B) Movement or activity
(C) Always go                                    (D) Look forward
Q25. Biological motives are also known by another name as
(A) Psychological motives                  (B) Behavioural motives
(C) Physiological/physical motives  (D) Social motives
Q26. Psychosocial motives arise out of interaction of individual with immediate
(A) Need                                            (B) Requirement
(C) Interest                                         (D) Environment
Q27. Intrinsic and Extrinsic (two forms/types of motivation) stand respectively for
(A) Within and External forces       (B) Inside and Within
(C) External and Outer                       (D) Internal forces and Inside

Q28. Match the following
(i) Need                (a) Lack or deficit of some necessity
(ii) Drive               (b) A state of tension or arousal produced by a need
(iii) Instinct           (c) Inborn patterns of behaviour i.e. biologically determined
(iv) Goal               (d) Psycho-biological motive or description of a destination
(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d               (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b                (D) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c

Q29. Which is not the benefit of exercise
(A) Better physical health                  (B) Improved immune system
(C) Prone to diseases                        (D) Optimal functioning of internal systems
Q30. Frustration-aggression hypothesis is proposed by
(A) Mc Dougall                                 (B) Baron & Terry
(C) Jackson                                        (D) John Dollard
Q31. Which one is not the reason of aggression
(A) Frustration                                  (B) Violent behaviour
(C) Aggression                                  (D) Love and friendly behaviour
Q32. Types of aggression are
(A) Physical and Psychological        (B) Instrumental and Verbal
(C) Hostile and Proactive                  (D) All of the above

Q33. Forms of aggression in sports are
(A) Retaliatory aggression                (B) Instrumental aggression
(C) Both A and B                             (D) None of the above
Q34. Which one is not the cause of aggression in sports
(A) Poor officiating                          (B) Proper planning
(C) Verbal persuasion                       (D) Frustration
Q35. Pitching the ball at a tremendous speed, hitting or kicking the ball hard is an example of
(A) Instrumental aggression            (B) Retaliatory aggression
(C) Both A and B                                (D) None of the above



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