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Showing posts with the label Test & Measurement in Sports (Unit-6) (12th Physical Education)

Test & Measurement in Sports (Unit-6) (12th Physical Education)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. It is a standardized tool to assess the specified parameters for, known as (A) Test                                              (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                     (D) Scale Q2. A specified or quantitative score obtained by an expert with the help of a standard test is (A) Test                                               (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                   (D) Scale Q3. It is a continuous process of inquiry concerned with the study, appraisal and improvement of all aspects of an educational program is called (A) Test                                               (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                  (D) Scale Q4. AAPHER stands for (A) All Athlete Physical, Health Education & Resources (B) Athletic Association of Personal Health Education and Rest (C) American Athlete Physical Endurance Requirement (D) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education &