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Planning in Sports (Unit-1), Physical Education (12th)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. A special arrangement, preparation or a blue print. In simple words, a series of steps to be carried out or goal to be accomplished, often in a graphic form is known as (A) Plan                                                              (B) Objective (C) Aim                                                              (D) Target Q2. The cognitive process that is deciding in advance what is to be performed when, where, how and by whom is called (A) Goal                                                             (B) Planning (C) Plan                                                           (D) Target Q3. POSDCORB is a seven step talisman for effective and successful management of any desired programs. POSDCORB involves the following (A) Planning, Organizing                               (B) Directing, Coordinating, Staffing (C) Reporting, Budgeting                                  (D) All of the above Q4. For organization of any t