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Physiology & Injuries in Sports (Unit-7) (12th Physical Education)

  Multiple Choice Questions Q1. It applies the concept of exercise physiology to training the athlete and enhancing the athlete’s sports performance. It is derived from exercise physiology. (A) Sports Physiology                        (B) Physics (C) Biology                                         (D) Biomechanics Q2. Which component is not the part of physical fitness? (A) Speed                                          (B) Cardio-vascular Endurance (C) Flexibility                                    (D) Explosive Strength Q3. Factors effecting speed ability are (A) Mobility of Nervous System        (B) Explosive Strength (C) Muscles Composition                    (D) All of the above Q4. The ability of muscles to exert force against resistance is known as (A) Endurance                                    (B) Speed (C) Strength                                     (D) Flexibility Q5. Choose the correct options which affect strength ability (A) Intensity of Nerve Impul