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Showing posts with the label Yoga & Lifestyle (Unit 3) Physical Education (12th)

Yoga & Lifestyle (Unit 3, Part-A) Physical Education (12th)

  Multiple Choice Questions Q1. Yoga word is derived from ---------- (A) Sanskrit Language                        (B) Latin Language (C) Greek Language                             (D) English Language Q2. Yoga word is derived from Sanskrit Language (Yuj Dhatu) which means (A) To Enter                                          (B) To Join (C) To Exit                                           (D) To Move Q3. Sage Patanjali developed 8 components/ limbs/ elements of yoga known as (A) Hata Yoga                                      (B) Asana (C) Ashtanga Yoga                              (D) Yoga Mimansa Q4. Which component of Ashtanga Yoga ( अष्टांग योग ) is not mentioned below (A) Yama, Niyama, Asana                   (B) Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna (C) Dhyana & Samadhi                        (D) None Q5. Yama (Lesson of morality), the first step of Ashtanga Yoga includes principles  (A) Ahimsa (Non-violence) & Asteya (Non-stealing) (B) Aprigraha (Non-posse