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Test & Measurement in Sports (Unit-6) (12th Physical Education)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. It is a standardized tool to assess the specified parameters for, known as (A) Test                                              (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                     (D) Scale Q2. A specified or quantitative score obtained by an expert with the help of a standard test is (A) Test                                               (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                   (D) Scale Q3. It is a continuous process of inquiry concerned with the study, appraisal and improvement of all aspects of an educational program is called (A) Test                                               (B) Measurement (C) Evaluation                                  (D) Scale Q4. AAPHER stands for (A) All Athlete Physical, Health Education & Resources (B) Athletic Association of Personal Health Education and Rest (C) American Athlete Physical Endurance Requirement (D) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education &

Children & Women in Sports (Unit-5) (12th Physical Education)

  Multiple Choice Questions Q1. “The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women” said by (A) Swami Vivekanand                                   (B) Swami Ramdev (C) Aristotle                                                      (D) Sachin Tandulkar Q2. ---------------- means changes in children’s ability to control their body’s movements, development of bones, muscles and ability to move around and manipulate their -----------. (A) Environment, Motor Development          (B) Motor Development, Environment (C) Fitness, Movement                                   (D) Movement, Fitness Q3. Two types of motor development are (A) Fast and Slow Motor Development         (B) Late and Tall Motor Development (C) Gross and Fine Motor Development   (D) New and Old Motor Development Q4. Match the following (i) Infancy                        (a) 0 to 2 years (ii) Middle Childhood    (b) 2 to 6 years (iii) Late Childhood        (c) 6 to 12 years (iv) Ad

Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang), Unit-4 (12th PE)

MCQs Q1. ----------- is a psycho-physiological impairment. It can impair the individual at physical as well as psychological levels. (A) Disability                                     (B) Deformity (C) Displacement                               (D) Disorder Q2. Match the following (i) Disability                              (a) Psycho-physiological impairment (ii) Disorder                              (b) Medical term for ailment that interferes with normal                                                                             activities (iii) Deformity                            (c) Irregularity in some body part or that is not normal (iv) Displacement                         (d) Move away from fixed place or joint injury (A) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a                  (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d (C) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) d, (iv) c                 (D) (i) d, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) c Q3. Which one among the following is not the cause of disability (A) Occupatio

Yoga & Lifestyles (Unit 3, Part-B) Physical Education (12th)

Multiple Choice Questions Q1. The bio-physiological condition in which level of glucose in blood rises above the requirements of human body is usually named as: - (A) Obesity                                                  (B) Diabetes (C) Back Pain                                            (D)  Hypertension Q2. Diabetes classified into two types, When pancreas does not produce insulin hormone and When pancreas produces insulin but insufficient to meet the body requirements, these are called (A) Type 1 & Type 2                                  (B) Type 2 & Type 1 (C) Both A & B                                          (D) None Q3. Name the asanas which are effective to manage/control the diabetes. (A) Bhujangasana & Paschimottanasana       (B) Pavan Muktasana (C) Ardh Matsyendrasana                               (D) All Q4. Common symptoms to indicate the occurrence of Diabetes (A) Frequent Urination & Fatigue                   (B) Intense Feeling of Frequen