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Test & Measurement in Sports (Unit-6) (12th Physical Education)

Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. It is a standardized tool to assess the specified parameters for, known as

(A) Test                                             (B) Measurement
(C) Evaluation                                   (D) Scale
Q2. A specified or quantitative score obtained by an expert with the help of a standard test is
(A) Test                                             (B) Measurement
(C) Evaluation                                  (D) Scale
Q3. It is a continuous process of inquiry concerned with the study, appraisal and improvement of all aspects of an educational program is called
(A) Test                                             (B) Measurement
(C) Evaluation                                 (D) Scale
Q4. AAPHER stands for
(A) All Athlete Physical, Health Education & Resources
(B) Athletic Association of Personal Health Education and Rest
(C) American Athlete Physical Endurance Requirement
(D) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education & Recreation

Q5. Match the following
(i) Test                  (a) Quantitative score or objectively collected data

(ii) Measurement  (b) Standardized tool/instrument to assess
(iii) Evaluation     (c) Ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor & alertness
(iv) Fitness            (d) Placing a value on measurement or act of judging
(A) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c               (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d
(C) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a                (D) (i) a, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) d

Q6. Which component is not the part of AAPHER fitness test
(A) 50 M Dash                                  (B) Sit & Reach
(C) Partial Curl Up                            (D) None of the above
Q7. Standing Broad Jump measures
(A) Abdomen strength                       (B) Explosive leg strength
(C) Arm power                                  (D) Strength of back muscles
Q8. Agility is measured by which component of AAPHER fitness test
(A) Push-ups                                     (B) Standing broad jump
(C) Shuttle run                                (D) 600 M run/walk

Q9. Purpose to measure Partial Curl Up is
(A) Agility                                         (B) Upper body strength & endurance
(C) Speed & endurance                     (D) Abdominal strength & endurance
Q10. Barrow Motor Ability Test (BMAT) was developed by
(A) Micheal Barrow                          (B) Dr. Barrow and Harvard
(C) Dr. Harold M. Barrow              (D) Brouha and Graybiel
Q11. Which is not the component of BMAT i.e. Barrow Motor Ability Test
(A) Standing broad jump                   (B) Zigzag run
(C) Medicine ball put                        (D) Sit ups
Q12. Purpose to measure Harvard Step Test is
(A) Cardio-vascular fitness             (B) Leg power
(C) Abdomen strength                       (D) Back strength
Q13. Harvard Step Test is developed by
(A) Harvard & others                        (B) Barrow and Hawkings
(C) Brouha & others                       (D) Dr. Harold M. Barrow

Q14. Equipments required for Harvard Step Test are
(A) Stopwatch or metronome            (B)Bench/stair of 16/20 inches height
(C) Both A & B                                 (D) None of the above
Q15. Purpose of measuring Rockport One Mile Test
(A) Aerobic fitness                            (B) Cardio-vascular fitness
(C) None                                            (D) Both A & B
Q16. BMI stands for                                          

 (A) Bio Medical Index                        (B) Body Mass Index

(C) Bio Medicine for Individual          (D) Body Measurement Instrument
Q17. Time in seconds x 100\ 5.5 x Pulse count between 1 & 1.5 minutes, is formula to calculate
(A) Fitness of senior citizen                 (B) Motor fitness
(C) Fitness Index (short form)          (D) Fitness Index (long form)

  Q18. Rikli & Jones Test is meant for

(A) Senior Citizen Fitness                 (B) Youth fitness
(C) Children fitness                             (D) None of the above

 Q19. Rikli & Jones Test is known earlier as

(A) Citizen’s test                               (B) Fullerton Functional test

(C) Complete test                              (D) Old men test                                                           

Q20. Components of Rikli & Jones Test is/are

(A) Chair stand and Arm curl test    (B) Chair sit & reach test
(C) Eight foot up & go test               (D) All

Q21. Match the following
) Chair stand test        (a) Measure upper body (particularly arm) strength & endurance
(ii) Arm curl test           (b) Measure lower body (particularly leg) strength & endurance
(iii) Six minute walk     (c) Measure lower body flexibility

(iv) Chair sit & reach    (d) Measure aerobic endurance                                                                  

(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d               (B)(i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c

(C) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) c                (D) (i) b, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) c



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