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Yoga & Lifestyles (Unit 3, Part-B) Physical Education (12th)

Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. The bio-physiological condition in which level of glucose in blood rises above the requirements of human body is usually named as: -

(A) Obesity                                              (B) Diabetes
(C) Back Pain                                          (D)  Hypertension

Q2. Diabetes classified into two types, When pancreas does not produce insulin hormone and When pancreas produces insulin but insufficient to meet the body requirements, these are called

(A) Type 1 & Type 2                               (B) Type 2 & Type 1
(C) Both A & B                                        (D) None

Q3. Name the asanas which are effective to manage/control the diabetes.
(A) Bhujangasana & Paschimottanasana       (B) Pavan Muktasana
(C) Ardh Matsyendrasana                              (D) All

Q4. Common symptoms to indicate the occurrence of Diabetes
(A) Frequent Urination & Fatigue                   (B) Intense Feeling of Frequent Thirst & Hunger       
(C) Numbness & Difficulty in healing            (D) All

Q5. Cobra pose is an asana of gentle bending of spinal column. Cobra pose is an alternative name of which of the following asana

(A) Paschimottanasana (पश्चिमोत्तनासन        (B)  Bhujangasana (भुजंगासन)
C) Trikonasana                                                (D) None

Q6. Paschimottanasana, the name of asana is a combination of three Sanskrit words (Pachima, Uttana and Asana) which means

(A) Pose, Extended & West                               (B) West, Pose & Back of Body
(C) Back of Body, Extended  & Pose              (D) Pose, West & Body

 Q7. Asana which helps in freeing the accumulated wind from the bowls known as
(A) Pavanmuktasana (
पवनमुक्तासन)               (B) Bhujangasana
(C) Shalabhasana (
शलभासन)                              (D) Paschimottanasana

Q8. Name the asana which is beneficial for Obesity as well as Diabetes
(A) Paschimottanasana                                        (B) Ardh Matsyendrasana
(C) Bhujangasana                                                (D) Vajrasana

Q9. The chronic respiratory disease in which airways of the patients get narrowed down is
(A) Asthma                                                         (B) Diabetes
(C) Hypertension                                                 (D) Obesity

Q10. Asthma can be managed by practicing the following asanas are
(A) Sukhasana & Paschimottanasana                       (B) Chakrasana, Gomukhasana 
(C) Bhujangasana & Matsyasana & Parvatasana     (D) All

Q11. Sukhasana is made up of two Sanskrit words ‘Sukh’ means ‘Delight & Bliss’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Posture/Pose’. Another name of this position is
(A) Shavasana (शवासन)                                           (B) Gyan Mudra (ज्ञान मुद्रा)
(C) Surya Namaskar (सूर्य नमस्कार)                         (D) None
Q12. Chakrasana  means ‘Wheel Pose’. The final position of this asana looks similar to half wheel. It is also known as
(A) Urdva Dhanurasana (
उर्ध्वा धनुरासन)               (B) Shavasana (शवासन)
(C) Bhujangasana (
भुजंगासन)                                   (D) Paschimottanasana
Q13. Gomukhasana (
गोमुखासन) is a combination of two Sanskrit words (Go and Mukha) where the final position resembles the mouth or head of a cow. Choose the meaning of Go & Mukha
(A) Mouth & Cow                                                  (B) Cow & Legs
(C) Cow & Mouth                                                 (D) Head & Mouth

Q14. Parvatasana (पर्वतासन) is the simplest asana in yoga. It is one of the poses of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) (सूर्य नमस्कार) which is ------ stages in Surya Namaskar.
(A) 4th                                                                     (B) 5th
(C) 8th                                                                    (D) Both B & C
Q15. Bhujangasana is very effective for Diabetes as well as Asthma diseases. Bhujangasana most likely to be practiced after ------- asana
(A) Shalabhasana        
                                         (B) Gomukhasana
(C) Paschimottanasana                                           (D) Chakrasana
Q16. Fish pose is wonder asana for managing respiratory disorders. It is also known as
(A) Chakrasana                                                       (B) Matsyasana
(C) Gomukhasana                                                  (D) Bhujangasana

Q17. The physiological condition in which the blood pressure is persistently remains to a raised condition i.e. higher than 140 over 90 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) is called
(A) Hypertension                                             
(B) Diabetes
(C) Obesity                                                       (D) Asthma
Q18. Choose the asana which are effective to manage Hypertension
(A) Tadasana & Vajrasana                                 (B) Pavan Muktasana & Shavasana
(C) Ardha Chakrasana & Bhujangasana            (D) All
Q19. The most common and elementary standing pose in which feet are kept together with hands at either side of the body is known as
(A) Hastasana                                                   (B) Tadasana
(C) Ardh Chakrasana                                        (D) None

Q20. The intermediate asana that prepares the body & mind for backward bending, designed to improve the flexibility of back & neck and effective for Hypertension is called
(A) Ardha Chakrasana         
                       (B) Paschimottanasana
(C) Parvatasana                                               (D) Gomukhasana

Q21. The sleeping pose is the simplest asana which induces peace & relaxation with full consciousness, eliminates fatigue and promotes calmness to the mind is known as
(A) Shavasana                                              
(B) Padmasana
(C) Sukhasana                                               (D) Surya Namaskar
Q22. The back (spine) is well developed body structure of interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments and muscles. Various asana that can help in overcoming the back pain are 
(A) Tadasana & Vakrasana                          (B) Ardh Matsyendrasana
(C) Bhujangasana & Shalabhasana             (D) All
Q23. The twisted pose which is similar to Ardh Matsyendrasana and effective in burning the side fat as well as back pain is known as
(A) Ardh Matsyendrasana                          (B) Bhujangasana
(C) Vakrasana                                           (D) None

Q24. Shalabhasana is a Sanskrit word made up of two words ‘Shalabh’ and ‘Asana’. Find the meaning of ‘Shalabh’
(A) Fish                                                     (B) Grasshopper
(C) Cow                                                    (D) Snake
Q25. Tadasana, Ardh Matsyendrasana, Vakrasana, Shalabhasana and Bhujangasana are very effective and helpful to manage
(A) Obesity                                               (B) Diabetes
(C) Back Pain                                          (D) Hypertension
Q26. Surya Namaskar is composed of ----- stages
(A) 10                                                        (B) 12
(C) 15                                                        (D) 20



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