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Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang), Unit-4 (12th PE)


Q1. ----------- is a psycho-physiological impairment. It can impair the individual at physical as well as psychological levels.
(A) Disability                                    (B) Deformity
(C) Displacement                              (D) Disorder

Q2. Match the following
(i) Disability                             (a) Psycho-physiological impairment
(ii) Disorder                             (b) Medical term for ailment that interferes with normal                                                              activities
(iii) Deformity                         (c) Irregularity in some body part or that is not normal
(iv) Displacement                    (d) Move away from fixed place or joint injury
(A) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a                (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d
(C) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) d, (iv) c                (D) (i) d, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) c

Q3. Which one among the following is not the cause of disability
(A) Occupation &Accidents               (B) Arthritis & Illness
(C) Balance Diet                                (D) Heart Disease & Obesity

Q4. Nature of disability can be
(A) Congenital                                   (B) Acquired
(C) None                                            (D) Both A & B

Q5. ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder. ADHD stands for

(A) All Disorder High Disorder         (B) Attention Disorder Hyper disorder
(C) Acquired Disorder of Human      (D) Attention Deficit Hypeactivity Disorder

Q6. Find out the symptoms of ADHD
(A) Fails to sustain attention & interrupts  (B) Talks incessantly and impatient
(C) Makes mistakes & Dislikes the tasks   (D) All

Q7. Choose the causes or factors of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hypeactivity Disorder)
(A) Heredity/Genetics                                 (B) Biological and Environmental
(C) Brain Injury & Food Preservatives       (D) All

Q8. Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a neurobiological disorder. SPD can be called as
(A) Sensory Integration Dysfunction       (B) Some Problem Disorder
(C) Same Dysfunction                                 (D) Bodily Disorder

Q9. What are the symptoms of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
(A) Behavioral & Physical                              (B) Psychosocial
(C) Both A & B                                              (D) None of the above

Q10. Find out the possible causes of SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder)
(A) Genetic                                                 (B) Environmental
(C) Both A & B                                          (D) None of the above

Q11. The children face difficulty in planning, sequencing or executing unfamiliar motor movement such disorder is known as
(A) Dislocation                                           (B) Dyspraxia
(C) Sensory Disorder                                  (D) Lordosis

Q12. According to WHO (World Health Organization) a group of complex brain development disorders that covers Autism and Asperger syndrome is known as
(A) Sensory Processing Disorder              (B) Autism Spectrum Disorder
(C) Oppositional Defiant Disorder            (D) Attention Deficit Hypeactivity Disorder

Q13. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication, restricted and repetitive manifestation of interests and activities is caused by 
(A) Genetic                                               (B) Environment
(C) Both A & B                                        (D) None of the above

Q14. PCOS may be one of the causes for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It stands for
(A) Poly Cover Of Sensation                    (B) Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome
(C) Post Cause Of Symptoms                   (D) None

Q15. ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) is a psycho-pathological behavioral disorder usually begins in childhood. What are the symptoms of ODD
(A) Behavioral & Cognitive                      (B) Only Psychological
(C) Both A & B                                         (D) None of the above

Q16. ODD can be approximated by a combination of genetic, environmental, biological and psychological factors. Suggest the techniques to prevent and manage ODD
(A) Family Therapy                                  (B) CBT
(C) Peer Group Therapy & Medicines      (D) All

Q17. OCD is joint expression of two different anxiety disorders having some common behavioral activities. OCD means
(A) Opposition-Compulsive Dis.              (B) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
(C) Obsessive-Cognitive Disorder            (D) None

Q18. Etiquettes are the customary code of polite behaviour in society to a particular profession or group. What is called a set of suggestive guidelines to treat, deal or approach the people with disability?
(A) Disability Etiquettes                           (B) Etiquettes for Old People
(C) Good manners                                       (D) None of the above
Q19. Physical activities are very helpful for disabled children in developing their coordinative abilities, flexibility and muscular strength. Find out the other advantages of physical activities
(A) Improve Balance & Motor Skills         (B) Body Awareness & Enhances Quality of                                                                         Sleep
(C) Manage BP, Obesity & Diabetes         (D) All
Q20. “Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities” said by
(A) Aldous Huxley                                     (B) Jack LaLanne
(C) Carl Sagan                                            (D) M. Seligman



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