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Unit 1 Management of Sporting Events

Unit I - Management of Sporting Events

  • Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)
  • Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post)
  • Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)

Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)-

Plan- Blue print, preparation, arrangement often in graphic form. A plan can include specific plays, tactics and positions as well as contingency plans foe potential challenges or changes in circumstances during a game or competition.

In sports, it is a pre-determined set of actions execute by individual or team.

According to Allen- “a plan is a trap laid to capture the future”.

POSDCORB (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Reporting and Budgeting)-

Planning- In sports, it is a strategy or game plan in advance of a game or competition. The goal of planning is to prepare the athlete or team foe the challenges they face, by setting specific objectives and identifying the actions needed to achieve them. 

Organising- The process of arranging and coordinating the various elements necessary to execute a successful game/competition. This can include preparing and maintaining  facilities, equipment and supplies as well as scheduling activities of athletes, coaches, officials and support staff.

Staffing- The process of identifying, hiring, and managing individuals who are responsible for supporting the operation of a sports organization or event. This includes hiring coaches, trainers, referees, and administrative staff, as well as volunteers and other support personnel

Directing- The process of guiding and supervising the actions of athletes and other staff members during a game or competition. This includes providing instruction and feedback to athletes, making decisions about strategy and tactics, and ensuring that rules and regulations are followed.

 Controlling- The process of monitoring and evaluating the performance of athletes and other staff members during a game or competition. This involves tracking performance data, such as statistics and other metrics, and comparing it against predetermined standards or benchmarks.

Functions or Objectives-

1. Minimizes the chances of errors.

2. Improve work efficiency.

3. Economical in guidance.

4. Utilization of available resources.

5. Enhances creativity

6. Ensures safety and

7. More chances of success.

 Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post) 

Committees & their Responsibilities Pre or before competition-

1.    Organizing Committee- Responsible for planning and executing the event.

2.    Technical Committee- Responsible for ensuring the competition follows official rules and regulations.

3.    Medical Committee- Responsible for athlete health and safety.

4.    Appeals Committee- Responsible for adjudicating disputes or grievances.

5.    Marketing and Sponsorship Committee- Responsible for promoting the competition and securing sponsorships.

6.    Security Committee- Responsible for ensuring the safety and security of athletes, staff and spectators.

7.    Environmental Committee- Responsible for monitoring and mitigating any potential environmental impacts of the competition.

Committees & their Responsibilities During competition-

1.    Technical Committee- Continues to ensure that the competition follows official rules and regulations, monitoring performance of players and verify results.

2.    Medical Committee- Provide medical services and ensures decisions regarding injury or illness of athletes as well as officials.

3.     Appeals Committee- Continues to review and adjudicate any disputes or grievances.

4.    Security Committee- Manage access control, crowd management, emergency, safety and security of athletes, staff and spectators.   

In addition to these committees other personnel such as referees, umpires, judges, and timekeepers may also be responsible for overseeing specific aspects of the competition, such as enforcing rules and keeping time.

Committees & their Responsibilities Post or after competition-

Responsible for wrapping up the event and ensuring that any necessary post-competition tasks are completed. Here are some common committees and their responsibilities-

1.     Technical Committee - Responsible for verifying and recording final results, as well as preparing and distributing official reports.

2.     Medical Committee - Providing follow-up care to injured athletes and ensuring that all medical records are properly maintained.

3.     Appeals Committee- For reviewing any final disputes or grievances related to the competition, and making any final decisions or recommendations.

4.     Marketing and Sponsorship Committee- For evaluating the success of the competition, including any feedback or reviews from sponsors, advertisers, and media outlets.

5.     Financial Committee- Managing the budget and finances related to the competition, including paying vendors and staff, and preparing financial reports.

6.     Organizing Committee- Responsible for overall wrap-up and evaluation of the event, including collecting feedback and reviewing the success of the competition.

Effective coordination between these committees and personnel is essential for ensuring a successful and safe sports competition, and for laying the groundwork for future events.

Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)-

Fixture- It is a schedule or list of upcoming matches. It typically includes information such as the date, time, and location of each game or match, as well as the teams or players who will be competing. Fixtures can be created for a single sport or multiple sports.

Fixtures can be subject to change due to various factors, such as weather conditions, player injuries, or scheduling conflicts, so it's important to check for updates and changes regularly.

Knockout fixture or Elimination Tournament- It is a type of tournament format where teams or players compete in a single-elimination competition, with the loser of each match being immediately eliminated from the competition, example- basketball, football, tennis, boxing etc.

Bye- Refers to a situation where a team or player advances to the next round of a competition without having to play a match. It an advantage of rest and preparation time.

Seeding- It is a process of ranking players or teams based on their past performance or other criteria, such as rankings, records, or other statistics. The top-ranked players or teams are then placed in separate brackets or groups, with the goal of ensuring that the strongest competitors do not face each other in the early rounds of a tournament. Seeding is used to create a more competitive and fair tournament.

League fixture or Round Robin Tournament-

It is a schedule of games or matches played between multiple teams or players, where the results are recorded and used to determine an overall winner. In a league fixture, teams or players compete against each other over a period of time, with points being awarded for each win or draw. The team or player with the highest number of points at the end of the season is declared the winner.

In a tournament, multiple teams or players compete in a series of matches, with the winner of each match advancing to the next round until only one team or player remains, who is declared the overall winner of the tournament.

Staircase Method-    

Cyclic Method-    













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