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Sports and Nutrition (Unit 2), Physical Education (12th)

 Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. Any solid/liquid nutritious substance metabolized by animal, give energy, build tissues, provide nourishment and stimulus for mental activity is

(A) Food                                              (B) Diet

(C) Nutrition                                        (D) None

Q2. The sum total of variety of food consumed by an organism is collectively called

(A) Food                                              (B) Diet

(C) Nutrition                                        (D) None

Q3. Combination of appropriate types and adequate amount of food and drinks is known as

(A) Diet                                               (B) Balanced Diet

(C) Protein                                           (D) Carbohydrates

Q4. Types of food are

(A) Energy Yielding Food                    (B) Body Building Food

(C) Defensive Food                             (D) All

Q5. Balanced diet composed of which of the following elements

(A) Carbohydrates, Fats &Water          (B) Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals

(C) Both A & B                                    (D) Only B

Q6. Name the energy yielding foods

(A) Carbohydrates & Fats                 (B) Proteins and Vitamins

(C) Minerals & Water                          (D) None

Q7. Find out the foods which are helpful to build body

(A) Minerals                                        (B) Proteins & Carbohydrates (Complex)

(C) Fats & Vitamins                             (D) None

Q8. Foods/Nutrients consumed in large quantity is known as Macro nutrient. Macro nutrients from the following can be

(A) Carbohydrates & Proteins              (B) Fats & Water

(C) Both A & B                                   (D) Minerals & Vitamins

Q9. The food that play vital role in defending of various internal organs, improving of immune system, defend body against infections, germs, diseases & maintain proper functioning is called

(A) Energy Yielding Food                     (B) Defensive Food

(C) Body Building Food                        (D) None

Q10. Categories the defensive food from the following

(A) Vitamins                                        (B) Minerals

(C) Water                                             (D) All

Q11. Match the following :-

(i) Energy Yielding Food           (a) Vitamins, Minerals and Water

(ii) Body Building Food           (b) Proteins & Complex Carbohydrates

(iii) Defensive Food                 (c) Carbohydrates and Fats

(iv) Balanced Diet Elements   (d) Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein, Vitamin, Mineral & Water

(A) (i) c, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) d                 (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

(C) (i) c, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) d                  (D) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) c

Q12. Nutritive components of diet are :-

(A) Carbohydrates & Minerals             (B) Proteins and Vitamins

(C) Only Fats                                        (D) All

Q13. Select the food items which are part of our day to day diet but non-nutritive :-

(A) Fiber/Roughage & Preservatives     (B) Water & Flavor Compound

(C) Colour & Plant Compound              (D) All

Q14. Single sugar containing carbohydrates are called Monosaccharide and double sugar containing carbohydrates are called Disaccharide but what we call the carbohydrates containing three or more sugars 

(A) Simple Carbohydrates                       (B) Only A

(C) Complex Carbohydrates                (D) None of the above

Q15. Match the following:-

(i) Carbohydrates         (a) Source of energy & work as fuel for  muscles contraction

(ii) Proteins                  (b) Building material & repair wear & tear of muscles

(iii) Fats                       (c) Maintain body temperature & absorb vitamins A, D, E, K

(iv) Minerals                (d) Formation of bones & teeth and help in blood clotting

(A) (i) c, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) d                 (B) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

(C) (i) c, (ii) a, (iii) b, (iv) d                 (D) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) c

Q16. Carbohydrates are of two types – Simple and Complex. What are simple carbohydrates

(A) Take more time to digest           (B) Simple chemical structure  & quickly digested

(C) Insoluble in water                      (D) Not in crystalline shape

Q17. Proteins are two types – Essential and Non-Essential. Daily, our body needs 15 to 20 % proteins in diet as body does not store it. 01 gram protein supplies how many calories of energy?

(A) 09                                                  (B) 04

(C) 02                                                  (D) 10

Q18. Our body does not produce 09 proteins which can only be supplied by food. Such proteins are known as

(A) Non-Essential Proteins                   (B) Essential Proteins

(C) Complete Protein Food                  (D) Both B & C

Q19. Approximately body needs 20-23 amino acids for synthesis of proteins among them our body can produce 13 such amino acids. These proteins are called 

(A) Non-Essential Proteins                 (B) Essential Proteins

(C) Complete Protein Food                  (D) None

Q20. Kwashiorkor and Marasmus are diseases which lead due to the deficiency of ----

(A) Carbohydrated                              (B) Minerals

(C) Proteins                                        (D) Fats

Q21. Fats are two types – Saturated and Unsaturated. fats are made up of

(A) Carbon                                          (B) Hydrogen

(C) Oxygen                                          (D) All

Q22. Vitamins are organic compounds of carbon & chemicals that are essential for normal working of body. Deficiency of these can lead to Deficiency Diseases. Vitamins are also known as 

(A) Energy Yielding Food                    (B) Body Building Food

(C) Defensive Food                             (D) None

Q23. Vitamins are two types – Water Soluble and Fats Soluble. Name the Fat soluble vitamins

(A) Vitamins – A, D, E & K               (B) Vitamins B & C

(C) Both A & B                                   (D) None

Q24. The essential inorganic nutrients found in natural foods that a human body needs for daily functioning but cannot produce are known as

(A) Vitamins                                        (B) Carbohydrates

(C) Minerals                                       (D) Fats

Q25. Talisman to maintain Healthy Weight is calories consume = calories use/expenditure. According to National Institute of Health “A health weight is considered if BMI is between 19-25. What are the factors which affect health weight?

(A) Genetics & Environment                              (B) Eating Behaviour & Food Habits

(C) Individual History & Metabolism process  (D) All

Q26. It is the process of consuming self regulated food in order to decrease/increase or maintain the body weight. It is also self imposed restrictions on intake of diet, name it

(A) Dieting                                          (B) Cooked Food

(C) Rigorous Exercise                         (D) Balanced Diet

Q27. The individual element or particular food that are not adequately processed and absorbed by human digestive system means difficulty in digesting, it is known as

(A) Dieting                                           (B) Food Intolerance

(C) Essential Proteins                           (D) Food Myths

Q28. Many foods have developed undeserved reputations for being dietary disasters or nutritional monster due to false propaganda. These false belief or ideas are known as 

(A) Food Intolerance                           (B) Dieting

(C) Food Myths                                  (D) Pitfalls of Dieting







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