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Yoga & Lifestyle (Unit 3, Part-A) Physical Education (12th)


Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. Yoga word is derived from ----------
(A) Sanskrit Language                       (B) Latin Language
(C) Greek Language                             (D) English Language

Q2. Yoga word is derived from Sanskrit Language (Yuj Dhatu) which means
(A) To Enter                                         (B) To Join
(C) To Exit                                           (D) To Move

Q3. Sage Patanjali developed 8 components/ limbs/ elements of yoga known as
(A) Hata Yoga                                      (B) Asana
(C) Ashtanga Yoga                             (D) Yoga Mimansa

Q4. Which component of Ashtanga Yoga (
अष्टांग योग) is not mentioned below
(A) Yama, Niyama, Asana                   (B) Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna
(C) Dhyana & Samadhi                       (D) None

Q5. Yama (Lesson of morality), the first step of Ashtanga Yoga includes principles 
(A) Ahimsa (Non-violence) & Asteya (Non-stealing) (B) Aprigraha (Non-possessiveness)    
(C) Brahmacharya (Self control) & Satya (Truth)       (D) All

Q6. Niyama (नियम) (Positive observance of rules or self discipline) is which part of Ashtnaga Yoga
(A) First                                                                       (B) Second
(C) Third                                                                      (D) Fourth
Q7. Niyama is second element of Ashtanga Yoga which includes the principles like
(A) Shaucha (Purity) & Santosha (Contentment)         (B) Tapa (Detachment)
(C) Both A & B                                                            (D) None

Q8. Asana (
आसन) (Physical posture) purifies body, mind & spirit stands at --- no. in Ashtanga Yoga
(A) Second                                                                  (B) Third
(C) Fourth                                                                   (D) Fifth
Q9. Which one is the Fourth element of Ashtanga Yoga (
अष्टांग योग).
(A) Pranayama
                                                          (B) Pratyahara
(C) Dharna                                                                  (D) Samadhi

Q10. Pranayama (
प्राणायाम) (Control on breath) is the 4th limb of Ashtanga Yoga which includes three stages of breathing namely
(A) Purak                                                                     (B) Kumbhak
(C) Rechak                                                                  (D) All

Q11. ---------- (Control on senses) is the 5th element of Ashtanga Yoga which means detachment from the body of self & attaching it to God is known as
(A) Pratyahara (
प्रत्याहार)                                         (B) Pranayama (प्राणायाम)
(C) Samadhi (
समाधि)                                                 (D) Asana (आसन)
Q12. Dharna (
धारणा) (Concentration of single focus) is the ------ element of Ashtanga Yoga.
(A) 4th                                                                          (B) 5th
(C) 6th                                                                          (D) 7th
Q13. The 7th element of Ashtanga Yoga which means complete attention of mind sans divergence is known as
(A) Dharna                                                                 (B) Pratyahara
(C) Dhyana                                                                (D) Asana
Q14. Which one is the last step or element of Ashtanga Yoga, where an individual loses identity of self.
(A) Samadhi
समाधि)                                              (B) Dhyana (ध्यान)
(C) Dharna (
धारणा)                                                  (D) Pranayama (प्राणायाम)
Q15. Definition of Yogic Asana “Sthira Sukham Aasanam” (
स्थिर सुखं आसनं) is given by
(A) Sage Ramdev                                                    (B) Sage Patanjali
(C) Sage Vishwamitra                                             (D) Sage Balmiki

Q16. Main objective of -----------  is to create balance between the interacting activities and processes of the pranic and mental forces.
(A) Raja Yoga                                                         (B) Gyan Yoga
(C) Hatha Yoga                                                     (D) Bhakti Yoga
Q17. According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika (
हठयोग प्रदीपिका) asana is classified into three broad groups such as
(A) Beginners  Group                                            (B) Intermediate Group
(C) Advanced Group                                              (D) All
Q18. Match the following
(i) Meditative               (a) Shavasana and Makrasana
(ii) Relaxative              (b) Padamasana and Vajrasana
(iii) Cultural                 (c) Paschimottanasana and Dhanurasana
(iv) Corrective             (d) Gomukhasana and Chakrasana

(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d                                (B) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) c, (iv) d
(C) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a                                (D) (i) c, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) d

Q19. ------- is a medical condition where an individual has accumulated excessive fat that tends to affect health negatively.
(A) Obesity                                                        (B) Asthma
(C) Hypertension                                                (D)Diabetes
Q20. Asanas which are effective to control Obesity are
(A) Vajrasana & Hastasana                                (B) Trikonasana & Ardh-Matsyendrasana
(C) Both A & B                                                 (D) None

Q21. Hastasana/Hastouttanasana is derived from Sanskrit word where ‘Hasta’means
(A) Hand
                                                           (B) Leg
(C) Mouth                                                          (D) Head

Q22. Match the following
(i) Under Weight                                  (a) Less than 18.5
(ii) Normal Weight (Healthy)               (b) 18.5 – 24.9
(iii) Over Weight                                  (c) 25 – 29.9
(iv) Obese                                             (d) 30 – 34.9
(A) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d                           (B) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) c, (iv) d
(C) (i) d, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) a                            (D) (i) c, (ii) b, (iii) a, (iv) d

BMI = (Weight/Height2) Unit is (kg/m2)

Q23. Vajrasana the name derived from Sanskrit word ‘Vajra’ means ‘Thunderbolt’ and ‘Asana’ means ‘Sitting Pose’. Other name of Vajrasana is
(A) Triangle Pose                                           (B) Diamond Pose
(C) Fish Pose                                                  (D) Snake Pose
Q24. Trikonasana the name derived from Sanskrit word in which individual looks similar to triangle shape. It is good to reduce obesity. The asana should not be performed by
(A) A Child                                                    (B) An Old Man
(C) Pregnant Woman                                  (D) A Young Lady
Q25. Ardh-Matsyendrasana is very effective to manage/control obesity, it’s other name is
(A) Vakrasana                                                (B) Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
(C) Half Spinal Twist Pose                            (D) All

Q26. Contraindication is necessary aspect while performing any kind of asana. It means
(A) A Specific Situation to Avoid Drug          (B) When Procedure Should not be Used
(C) Both A & B                                              (D) None
Q27. Vajrasana, Hastasana, Trikonasana and Ardh-Matsyendrasana are effective for which of the following disease
(A) Obesity                                                     (B) Diabetes
(C) Asthma                                                      (D) Back Pain             


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