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Physiology & Injuries in Sports (Unit-7) (12th Physical Education)


Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. It applies the concept of exercise physiology to training the athlete and enhancing the athlete’s sports performance. It is derived from exercise physiology.
(A) Sports Physiology                      (B) Physics
(C) Biology                                        (D) Biomechanics

Q2. Which component is not the part of physical fitness?
(A) Speed                                          (B) Cardio-vascular Endurance
(C) Flexibility                                    (D) Explosive Strength

Q3. Factors effecting speed ability are
(A) Mobility of Nervous System       (B) Explosive Strength
(C) Muscles Composition                  (D) All of the above

Q4. The ability of muscles to exert force against resistance is known as
(A) Endurance                                   (B) Speed
(C) Strength                                     (D) Flexibility

Q5. Choose the correct options which affect strength ability
(A) Intensity of Nerve Impulse         (B) Muscle mass/Body weight
(C) Both A & B                                (D) None of the above

Q6. The ability of muscles to perform against resistance for long period of time is
(A) Speed                                          (B) Endurance
(C) Strength                                       (D) Agility
Q7. The factors which do not have any type of effect on endurance ability is/are
(A) Lactate Threshold                       (B) Composition of Muslces
(C) Aerobic Capacity                        (D) None of the above

Q8. The quality of muscles, ligaments and tendons which enables the joints to perform the movement with maximum range is called as
(A) Speed                                          (B) Endurance
(C) Strength                                        (D) Flexibility

Q9. Which factor which does not affect the flexibility of an individual is
(A) Endurance                                 (B) Gender and Age
(C) Structure of Joints                       (D) Previous Injury

Q10. The ability to perform the movement in shortest possible time is known as
(A) Heart rate                                    (B) Speed
(C) Agility                                         (D) Coordinative ability

Q11. The ability to change the direction quickly and efficiently while performing a movement is
(A) Speed                                          (B) Strength/Power
(C) Agility                                        (D) Blood Pressure
Q12. The intensity of exercise at which lactic acid accumulate in the blood stream is known as
(A) Blood Clotting                            (B) Heart Attack
(C) Aerobic Capacity                        (D) Lactate Threshold

Q13. Performing regular exercise shows some effects on almost all the systems of body. Choose the effects of exercise on cardio-respiratory system
(A) Increase Heart Rate                     (B) Increase Blood Flow
(C) Quicker Recovery Rate               (D) All of the above

Q14. Match the following

(i) Tidal Volume                      (a) Volume of air displaced between inhalation & exhalation
(ii) Cardiac Output                  (b) The product of heart rate and stroke volume
(iii) Stroke Volume                 (c) Volume of blood pumped from left ventricle per beat
(iv) Heart Rate                                    (d) Number of contractions of heart per minute
(A) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b               (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c                (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

Q15. Which one is not the effect of exercise on muscular system? 
(A)Muscular Fatigue                        (B) Better Muscle Coordination
(C) Increase Heart Rate                 (D) Increase in Myoglobin

Q16. Which one is incorrect as one is ageing?
(A) Decrease in cardiac functions      (B) Functions of sense organs decline
(C) Lungs/chest wall loose elasticity (D) Muscular power will increase

Q17. Match the following

(i) Second Wind             (a) After tiredness suddenly finds strength to continue
(ii) Vital Air Capacity    (b) Maximum air expel after maximum inhalation by one
(iii) Residual Volume     (c) Amount of air remains in lungs after fully exhaling
(iv) Minute Ventilation  (d) Volume of air inhaled/exhaled from lungs per minute

(A) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) a, (iv) b               (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c                (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

Q18. Find the correct cause of injuries in sports field
(A) Directly by impact of force          (B) Both A and D
(C) None                                             (D) Excessive & repetitive use of body parts

Q19. When face undue pressure (internal or external) soft tissues get damaged, such injury is called as Soft Tissue Injury. These soft tissues are
(A) Only Skin                                     (B) Muscles and ligaments
(C) Muscles, Tendons, Skin, Ligaments   (D) None

Q20. Match the following
(i) Sprain                     (a) Superficial injury of skin due to friction
(ii) Strain                     (b) Injury of ligaments/muscles due to falling/twisting/overstretching
(iii) Abrasion               (c) Injury of tendons or complete rupture of muscles
(iv) Laceration             (d) Irregular cut in skin due to sharp object
(A) (i) b, (ii) c, (iii) a, (iv) d               (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c                (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

Q21. Find out the ways to prevent sports injuries
(A) Proper warm-up                           (B) Use good quality sports equipments
(C) Adherence to rules                        (D) All of the above

Q22. RICE treatment is provided to an injured player for soft tissue injuries, RICE stands for
(A) Rest In Complete Energy            (B) Rest Ice Compression Elevation
(C) Rise In Complex End                  (D) Release In Contact Emergency

Q23. For the treatment of soft tissue injuries one more treatment is recommended i.e. PRICE, here P stands for
(A) Protection                                   (B) Power
(C) Position                                        (D) Push

Q24. Types of fracture are
(A) Stress and Comminuted fracture (B) Greenstick and Transverse fracture
(C) Oblique and Impacted fracture    (D) All of the above

Q25. Match the following

(i) Fracture                              (a) A crack or break in the continuity of the bone
(ii) Dislocation                        (b) Irritation of tissue connecting forearm muscle to elbow
(iii) Tennis Elbow                    (c) Joints are displaced or moved out of its natural position
(iv) Greenstick fracture           (d) Soft bones are bent due to stress or force

(A) (i) a, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) d
               (B) (i) b,  (ii) c, (iii) d, (iv) a
(C) (i) b, (ii) a, (iii) d, (iv) c                (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

Q26. First aid means immediate treatment or help provided to the victim/injured. The foremost aim of first aider is
(A) Take care of injury                       (B) Supply blood
(C) Preserve life                                (D) Inform to the relative of injured

Q27. In first aid treatment P3 stands for
(A) Power, Push, Pull                         (B) Protect, Provide, Possible
(C) Preserve, Prevent and Promote (D) Possible, Peace, Prevent

Q28. CPR in first aid treatment stands for
(A) Cardiac Push Rest                         (B) Common Power Reduce
(C) Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation       (D) Complex Performance Return  


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