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Planning in Sports (Unit-1), Physical Education (12th)

Multiple Choice Questions

Q1. A special arrangement, preparation or a blue print. In simple words, a series of steps to be carried out or goal to be accomplished, often in a graphic form is known as

(A) Plan                                                           (B) Objective

(C) Aim                                                           (D) Target

Q2. The cognitive process that is deciding in advance what is to be performed when, where, how and by whom is called

(A) Goal                                                          (B) Planning

(C) Plan                                                           (D) Target

Q3. POSDCORB is a seven step talisman for effective and successful management of any desired programs. POSDCORB involves the following

(A) Planning, Organizing                             (B) Directing, Coordinating, Staffing

(C) Reporting, Budgeting                             (D) All of the above

Q4. For organization of any tournament or event role of committees are divided into the following heads or categories. These are

(A) Prior to the event/tournament                (B) During the event/tournament

(C) Post the event/tournament                      (D) All of the above

Q5. Role of the committees for the organization of any event are divided into three heads. Find out the committees responsible for the smooth conduct of the event.

(A) Executive & Organizing Committee        (B) Publicity & Reception Committee

(C) Finance & Accommodation Committee   (D) All

Q6. Which committee is responsible for the injuries of players during the competition?

(A) Technical Committee                       (B) First Aid Committee

(C) Finance Committee                         (D) Executive Committee

Q7. Reception committee, Accommodation committee, Transport committee etc. comes under which of the following category

(A) During the event                            (B) Post/After the event

(C) Prior the event                             (D) None of the above

Q8. What is known as healthy competition among humans to decide the winner after the completion of several rounds?

(A) Tournament                                    (B) Test

(C) Both A & B                                       (D) Exam

Q9. Select the types of tournament from the given options

(A) Knock out & League                     (B) Combination & Challenge

(C) Both A & B                                   (D) Round Robin & Elimination

Q10. Type of tournament a team or player continues to play further matches as per schedule till defeated is known as

(A) Elimination Tournament              (B) League Tournament

(C) Knock-out Tournament                    (D) Both B & C

Q11. It is similar to knock-out fixture but teams defeated in knock-out tournaments can only participate in such tournaments, find out the name of tournament

(A) Single Knock-out                           (B) Consolation Tournament

(C) Double Knock-out                         (D) Challenge Tournament

Q12. In this tournament each team will play with all other teams irrespective of the result. Select the correct option.

(A) League Tournament                     (B) Double Knock-out Tournament

(C) Consolation Tournament                 (D) Elimination Tournament

Q13. League tournament is also known as

(A) Round Robin Tournament             (B) Burger System

(C) Burger Tournament                        (D) All

Q14. The tournament which is conducted on group basis or zonal basis or mixed approach of knock-out and league is known as

(A) Double League Tournament            (B) Combination Tournament

(C) Challenge Tournament                     (D) None of the above

Q15. The contest is held between two players or two players on each side is called as

(A) Challenge Tournament                  (B) Combination Tournament

(C) Both A & B                                      (D) None of the above

Q16. The top ranked player occupies the central position and players who are placed on the concentric liner are free to offer challenge to the centrally positioned player is known as

(A) Ladder Tournament                       (B) Cobweb Tournament

(C) Pyramid Tournament                     (D) None of the above

Q17. Match the following

(i) Knock-out Tournament                   (a) Ladder, Pyramid and Cobweb

(ii) League Tournament                       (b) League-Knock-out, Knock-out cum League

(iii) Combination Tournament             (c) Single & Double and Burger System

(iv) Challenge Tournament                  (d) Single & Double, Consolation Type   I & II

(A) (i) d, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) a                 (B) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) b, (iv) a

(C) (i) a, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) d                  (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d

Q18. The process of arranging the teams in systematic order in various groups for competitive healthy fights for designated physical activity is called 

(A) Tournament                                   (B) Test

(C) Fixture                                          (D) Competition

Q19. Name the team/dummy who does not play in the first round of fixture   

(A) Fixture                                           (B) Bye

(C) Seeding                                          (D) Tournament

Q20. Byes are awarded in the knock-out fixture when number of teams are not as per the power of 2 (i.e. 22 23 24 25 26 ). Find out the meaning of bye

(A) Rest to the teams                           (B) Advantage to previous winner

(C) Benefit to good teams                    (D) All of the above

Q21. If participating teams are 17 (N=17) then byes will be awarded to how many teams?

(A) 15 teams                                       (B) 17 teams

(C) 01 team                                          (D) None of the teams

Q22. The process of placing the best teams/players (as per known previous status to the organizer) at beneficial position in the knock-out fixture is known as

(A) Bye                                                (B) Seeding

(C) Fixture                                           (D) Advantage

Q23. If 14 teams are participating in any competition, then number of rounds possible are

(A) 4                                                    (B) 5

(C) 6                                                    (D) Can’t say

Q24. Methods of drawing the fixture for league tournament are

(A) Stair Case Method                         (B) Cyclic Method

(C) Tabular Method                             (D) All of the above

Q25. Intramural is derived from two Latin words – ‘Intra and Muralis’. Find out the correct meaning of these two

(A) Inside & Outside                            (B) Wall & Within

(C) Within & Wall                              (D) Outside & Inside

Q26. Match the following

(i) Intramural                      (a) Recreation, Mass participation, Competition exposure

(ii) Extramural                    (b) Sportsman spirit, Advance Techniques, improve standard

(iii) Specific Sports Prog.    (c) Sports Day, Health Run, Run for Fun, Run for Unity/Cause

(iv) League Tournament       (d) Stair Case, Cyclic and Tabular Methods

(A) (i) d, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) a               (B) (i) c, (ii) d, (iii) b, (iv) a

(C) (i) a, (ii) c, (iii) b, (iv) d                (D) (i) a, (ii) b, (iii) c, (iv) d










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