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Showing posts from February, 2023

Unit-2 Children and Women in Sports

Common postural deformities  Postural deformity - it is a kind of variance in the normal   shape of the spine or body structure. Deformity - An appearance which has been spoiled or misshapen or malformed. According to Metheny, “The best posture is that in which body segments are balanced in the positions of least strain and maximum support”. The deviations from the normal postural curves mean occurrence of physical deformity in the body, it may be due to defect or damage due to several reasons which can be corrected with the help of corrective measures. Deformities of the upper extremities Kyphosis (Hump Back) It is characterized by an exaggerated rounding of the upper back (Thoracic region). It can be caused by various factors, such as poor posture, osteoporosis, or   Scheuermann's disease. Kyphosis can cause pain and discomfort, limit mobility, and affect breathing. Corrective measures for kyphosis 1. Exercise - Certain exercises can help improve posture and str

Unit 1 Management of Sporting Events

Unit I - Management of Sporting Events Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing & Controlling) Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post) Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic) Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)- Plan-  Blue print, preparation, arrangement often in graphic form. A plan can include specific plays, tactics and positions as well as contingency plans foe potential challenges or changes in circumstances during a game or competition. In sports, it is a pre-determined set of actions execute by individual or team. According to Allen-  “a plan is a trap laid to capture the future”. POSDCORB (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Controlling, Reporting and Budgeting)- Planning-  In sports, it is a strategy or game plan in advance of a

Unit-4 Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs)

Special Olympics , an international organization that provides year-round sports  training and athletic      competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for   people with intellectual disabilities. History- Special Olympics, founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of      former US President John F. Kennedy. The first Special Olympics games were held in Chicago, Illinois, with about 1,000 athletes from 26 states and   Canada participating. Today, Special Olympics have grown into a global movement with over 6 million athletes in more than 190 countries. Mission and Goals- To provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for people with intellectual disabilities, giving them opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.     The goals of Special Olympics inclu